All posts by tcamre

TCAM Announces Next Asset Management Seminar – May 10-11

BOSTON, MA – TCAM’s next asset management training seminar will be held at our Boston office on May 10-11, 2017. The seminar covers the essential elements of affordable housing asset management with real-life examples and materials provided for future reference. Topics covered during the seminar will include the following:

  •          portfolio and investment performance;
  •          site inspections;
  •          regulation, subsidy and compliance;
  •          industry trends;
  •          financial analysis and property valuation;
  •          identifying and addressing tax issues;
  •          data and document management;
  •          risk rating, problem resolution; and
  •          refinancing, recapitalization and disposition
Space for the training is limited and attendance is confirmed on a first-come first-served basis. Interested parties should contact TCAM at (617) 542-1200 or via email,

In addition to this popular asset management training seminar, TCAM ( provides asset management and consulting services for investors, syndicators, owners, lenders, housing finance agencies and authorities and guarantors. Overall, TCAM provides services for 1,332 properties comprising 172,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital.

TCAM is a company of QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.


Testimonials from Prior Attendees:

“Early in 2015 three CFG Community Development colleagues with a wide range of tax credit and real estate experience participated in TCAM’s two day training session. It was a great opportunity for applied problem solving as well as formal guidance on industry best practices. Exposure to other industry professionals with different roles provided for rich conversations.”

Amy W. Farrell, Senior Vice President – Community Development Lending and Investment Citizens Bank, N.A.


“My experience with TCAM was excellent, and exceeded expectations. Your asset management training and instructors struck just the right balance between addressing the breadth of complex issues, but also delved more deeply into critical areas like taxes, financial analysis, and regulations. The training was comprehensive, well-paced, engaging, and in a setting that kept participants engaged. And as I had only recently started my position at the time of the training, this was an excellent crash course in asset management for affordable housing.”

Director of Asset Management NYC Department of Housing Presevation & Development


“The TCAM asset management training program provided a comprehensive overview of the role and responsibilities of our asset management staff.   The wealth of knowledge shared by multiple talented presenters allowed for a rich exchange with and among attendees.  The relationships commenced subsequent to training with attendees and TCAM staff provided me and my organization with valuable resources to assist in future problem solving and decision making.”

Gayle Harrold, Chief Financial Officer Madison Park Development Corporation

For more testimonials, click here: Testimonials from Prior TCAM Training Attendees

TCAM Announces Staff Expansion

BOSTON, MA – TCAM continues to expand its capacity to meet client needs, announcing today the addition of three new staff members. Leanne Fan, Victoria Kiaer and Alex Melikan have joined TCAM in 2016, expanding its third-party Asset Management, Subordinate Loan Administration and Consulting and Advisory Services groups as the list of clients grows.

The three recent additions to the TCAM team bring significant expertise from across the affordable housing industry. Their experience includes hands-on asset management as well as affordable housing finance, allowing TCAM to continue to bring to each client engagement the skills that best meet the need.

  • Victoria Kiaer brings 12 years of experience in affordable housing, including most recently as a Senior  Asset Manager at a national owner/developer.
  • Leanne Fan joins us after three years at a Boston-based community development organization.
  • Alex Melikan brings experience with a national LIHTC syndicator.

During the past year, TCAM also expanded its analytical capacity across all practice groups adding two Analysts – Eleanor Reid and Victoria Oosterhout. TCAM also opened a Washington D.C. office with Kriszen Williams as Director.

“All of our business lines continue to grow, as clients add to their portfolios and we take on new consulting and asset management engagements,” said TCAM CEO Jenny Netzer. “In expanding our team, we are ensuring our clients receive the high quality service they look to TCAM to provide.”

Overall, TCAM provides services to capital providers in the affordable housing industry including owners, investors, guarantors and state and local housing agencies for 1,332 properties comprising 172,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital. Clients include state housing agencies, local housing authorities, investors, banks, and non-profit and for-profit owner/developers.

TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.

TCAM Opens Office in Washington, DC

BOSTON, MA – TCAM today announced the opening of its Washington, DC office by our newest employee, Kriszen Williams.  The DC office expands TCAM’s capacity for its growing list of clients in the Mid-Atlantic region.


Kriszen Williams
Director, TCAM Washington DC Office
1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Direct:     (202) 744-0951
Main:      (617) 542-1200

Ms. Williams joined TCAM as a Director in August, bringing over 12 years of real estate finance and affordable housing experience. Prior to TCAM, Ms. Williams worked at a non-profit affordable housing REIT where she served as a Director, managing capital calls for property acquisitions and leading investor reporting and communication of financial performance and impact metrics to stakeholders. Ms. Williams initially helped to lead the development of the underwriting, asset management and reporting standards of this organization in addition to designing and performing initial cash flow modeling to help procure and close on institutional debt and equity. She previously worked for commercial real estate firms as a Senior Financial Analyst and Research Specialist.

“TCAM is growing to meet the needs of our clients as they change and grow,” said TCAM CEO Jenny Netzer. “Kriszen is a wonderful addition to the TCAM team. We look forward to working with her and helping our DC area clients continue to succeed and take on new opportunities.”

TCAM ( is headquartered in Boston, MA. TCAM provides services to capital providers in the affordable housing industry including owners, investors, guarantors and state and local housing agencies. TCAM’s services touch 1,332 properties comprising 172,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital. Clients include state housing agencies, local housing authorities, investors, banks, and non-profit and for-profit owner/developers.

TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.

TCAM Adds Consulting and Advisory Engagement

BOSTON, MA – Today, TCAM announced a new consulting and advisory engagement for a credit enhancer  that provided default protection for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) investments. After providing due diligence services to the client for a large secondary market transaction involving over 350 properties in over 40 states and Washington, D.C., TCAM was engaged to provide continuing oversight services to measure and mitigate the client’s exposure under its financial arrangements.

The engagement adds to TCAM’s growing business with capital providers to the LIHTC industry. TCAM is currently providing asset management and advisory services to many banks and financial institutions, as well as syndicators and public sector funders. Services include direct asset management as well as oversight of credit enhanced and guaranteed portfolios. “Credit enhancement is important to increasing liquidity in the tax credit investment market,” said TCAM CEO Jenny Netzer. “We are pleased that TCAM’s expertise and assistance can help clients undertake such obligations.”

TCAM’s clients include capital providers for affordable housing with and without low income housing tax credits. Clients are major financial institutions, investors, insurance companies, affordable housing lenders, LIHTC syndicators, guarantors, owners and developers, investment funds, large urban housing authorities and state housing finance agencies. Overall, TCAM provides services for 1,332 properties comprising 172,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital.

TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.


TCAM Helps HPET Acquire Affordable Properties

BOSTON, MA – TCAM today announced the successful completion of several underwriting and due diligence assignments for the Housing Partnership Equity Trust (“HPET”). Most recently, TCAM helped HPET close the acquisition of Meadow Ridge, a 232-unit multifamily affordable rental property located in Las Vegas, Nevada. HPET worked with Nevada HAND to acquire this property and preserve critical affordable housing. Meadow Ridge was the fourth acquisition this year by HPET, with TCAM’s underwriting and due diligence assistance.

HPET Announcement Photo

The other three acquisitions closed by HPET with TCAM underwriting assistance in 2016 were as follows:

  • Goldenstar & Sun Place – 139 units across 2 affordable rental properties located in Maplewood and Rosewville, MN, respectively, with Aeon (HPET Press Release 6.14.2016);
  • Savannah at Southport Apartments – a 228-unit affordable rental property in West Sacramento, CA, with Eden Housing (HPET Press Release 3.3.2016); and
  • Dove Landing – a 318-unit affordable rental property in Virginia Beach, VA, with Community Preservation and Development Corporation (CPDC)

HPET ( is an investment vehicle created by the Housing Partnership Network ( and a group of nonprofit housing developers to preserve affordable rental homes for families, seniors and others with low and modest incomes. This innovative approach to attracting new sources of private equity to the affordable housing space was launched in 2013 with investments from Prudential Financial, Inc., Citi, Morgan Stanley, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. HPN and the 13 nonprofit members of the REIT are also investors.

TCAM ( provides similar underwriting and due diligence services to other clients acquiring properties or partnership interests. TCAM also provides analytical support to clients disposing of properties and limited partnership interests, and has managed workouts on behalf of investor clients. “Affordable housing properties and portfolios are changing hands at a rapid pace,” said Chief Executive Officer Jenny Netzer. “TCAM is pleased to help clients sort through the operational, financial and regulatory complexities that are part of these transactions.”

TCAM’s clients include capital providers for affordable housing with and without low income housing tax credits. Clients are major financial institutions, investors, insurance companies, affordable housing lenders, LIHTC syndicators, guarantors, owners and developers, investment funds, large urban housing authorities and state housing finance agencies. Overall, TCAM provides services for 1,332 properties comprising 172,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital.

TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.


TCAM Announces New Engagement with the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara

BOSTON, MA – The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara (HACSC) has engaged TCAM to strengthen HACSC’s asset management function. TCAM is helping HACSC achieve greater operational efficiency and effectiveness, improve asset management practices, policies and procedures, and incorporate best practices from around the industry. Stronger asset management will help HACSC continue to fulfill its mission of providing and inspiring affordable housing solutions to enable low-income people in Santa Clara County to achieve financial stability and self-reliance.
This engagement is the most recent assignment for TCAM from a large public housing authority and owner-developer. TCAM is currently providing asset management and advisory services for several state and local housing agencies as well as owners, investors, banks, insurance companies and corporations. “The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara plays a critical role in addressing the growing affordable housing needs in its communities,” said Allen Feliz, TCAM Managing Director. “TCAM looks forward to bringing its experience and expertise to helping the Authority with this important task.”
TCAM ( provides asset management and consulting services for investors, syndicators, owners, lenders, housing finance agencies and authorities and guarantors. Overall, TCAM provides services to capital providers in the affordable housing industry including owners, investors, guarantors and state and local housing agencies for 914 properties comprising 118,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital.
TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.
Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara assists about 17,000 households through the federal rental housing assistance (Housing Choice Voucher, also known as Section 8) program. HACSC develops, controls and manages affordable rental housing properties. The majority of its program funding comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Its programs and properties are targeted to assist low, very low, and extremely low-income households. The vast majority-more than 80%-of its client households are extremely low-income families, seniors, veterans, persons with disabilities, and formally homeless. Working together with landlords, housing developers, charities and local governments, HACSC strives to provide housing and support services to as many eligible families as possible. For more information visit

TCAM Announces Next Asset Management Seminar – May 4-5, 2016

BOSTON, MA – TCAM’s next asset management training seminar will be held at our Boston office on May 4-5, 2016. The seminar will cover the essential elements of affordable housing asset management with real-life examples and materials provided for future reference. Topics covered during the seminar include the following:

• measurement of portfolio and investment performance;
• site inspections;
• regulation, subsidy and compliance;
• industry trends;
• financial analysis and property valuation;
• identifying and addressing tax issues;
• data and document management; and
• risk rating, problem resolution, refinancing, recapitalization and disposition.

Space for the training is limited and attendance is confirmed on a first-come first-served basis. Interested parties should contact TCAM at (617) 542-1200 or via email,

In addition to this popular asset management training seminar, TCAM ( provides asset management and consulting services for investors, syndicators, owners, lenders, housing finance agencies and authorities and guarantors. Overall, TCAM provides services to capital providers in the affordable housing industry including owners, investors, guarantors and state and local housing agencies for 914 properties comprising 118,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital.
TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.

Testimonials from Prior Attendees:
“Early in 2015 three CFG Community Development colleagues with a wide range of tax credit and real estate experience participated in TCAM’s two day training session. It was a great opportunity for applied problem solving as well as formal guidance on industry best practices. Exposure to other industry professionals with different roles provided for rich conversations.”
Amy W. Farrell, Senior Vice President – Community Development Lending and Investment
Citizens Bank, N.A.

“I really enjoyed the TCAM Asset Management training. TCAM staff was very knowledgeable. I found it informative for anyone wanting to learn more about the role and proven practices of an Asset Manager in the affordable housing industry. The materials were thorough, with specific examples showing the importance of Asset Management in the property life cycle. Also, the small class size allowed all participants to interact with each other and the TCAM staff.”
Erica D. Etterling, Portfolio Compliance Manager/Housing Finance and Development Division
Georgia Department of Community Affairs

“TCAM delivered an engaging and valuable training experience that succeeded in equipping me with the essential understanding of the crucial role an Asset Manager plays in the everyday success of our LIHTC properties. The training was exceptional in the sense that it provided both a broad overview of the LIHTC industry, and what we as Asset Managers need to understand and manage in order to provide the expected returns to our investors. The team providing the training was incredibly knowledgeable and confident in the content presented. This was a great experience that has provided me with the resources and tools to take our Asset Management Department to the next level.”
Dana Patterson, Director of Asset Management
Alco Management, Inc.

For more testimonials, click here: Testimonials from Prior TCAM Training Attendees

TCAM Completes Asset Management Training Seminar

BOSTON, MA – TCAM announced today the successful completion of another asset management training seminar. Twelve professionals from six organizations attended the session at TCAM’s Boston office. Attendees included asset managers, portfolio managers and investment and loan specialists from a bank, owner/developer, national non-profit, sustainability consultant and a local housing agency.
The training addressed the essential elements of asset management of affordable housing with real-life examples and materials provided for future reference. Attendance was limited to allow for extensive interaction and focus on the concerns of individual participants. Topics covered during the seminar included the following:
• measurement of portfolio and investment performance;
• site inspections:
• regulation, subsidy and compliance;
• industry trends;
• tax return reviews;
• financial analysis and property valuation;
• data and document management; and
• risk rating, problem resolution, refinancing, recapitalization and disposition.

In addition to asset management training, TCAM ( provides asset management and consulting services for investors, syndicators, owners, lenders, housing finance agencies and authorities and guarantors. Overall, TCAM provides services to capital providers in the affordable housing industry including owners, investors, guarantors and state and local housing agencies for 914 properties comprising 118,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital.
TCAM will hold additional training seminars in May and September. Interested parties should contact TCAM at (617) 542-1200 or via email,
TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.

Testimonials from Prior Attendees:
“Early in 2015 three CFG Community Development colleagues with a wide range of tax credit and real estate experience participated in TCAM’s two day training session. It was a great opportunity for applied problem solving as well as formal guidance on industry best practices. Exposure to other industry professionals with different roles provided for rich conversations.”
Amy W. Farrell, Senior Vice President – Community Development Lending and Investment
Citizens Bank, N.A.

“I really enjoyed the TCAM Asset Management training. TCAM staff was very knowledgeable. I found it informative for anyone wanting to learn more about the role and proven practices of an Asset Manager in the affordable housing industry. The materials were thorough, with specific examples showing the importance of Asset Management in the property life cycle. Also, the small class size allowed all participants to interact with each other and the TCAM staff.”
Erica D. Etterling, Portfolio Compliance Manager/Housing Finance and Development Division
Georgia Department of Community Affairs

“TCAM delivered an engaging and valuable training experience that succeeded in equipping me with the essential understanding of the crucial role an Asset Manager plays in the everyday success of our LIHTC properties. The training was exceptional in the sense that it provided both a broad overview of the LIHTC industry, and what we as Asset Managers need to understand and manage in order to provide the expected returns to our investors. The team providing the training was incredibly knowledgeable and confident in the content presented. This was a great experience that has provided me with the resources and tools to take our Asset Management Department to the next level.”
Dana Patterson, Director of Asset Management
Alco Management, Inc.

For more testimonials, click here: Testimonials from Prior TCAM Training Attendees

TCAM Announces Four New Engagements with Affordable Housing Owner/Developers

BOSTON, MA – Today, TCAM announced new engagements with organizations that develop, own and operate affordable housing in 15 states and the District of Columbia. These new clients have engaged TCAM to provide the following services:

•On-going asset management and tracking compliance with lender and regulatory requirements;
•Assistance with refining and implementing strategies for assets approaching Year 15 of the initial tax credit compliance period;
•Evaluation of the organization’s asset management processes; and
•Due diligence and underwriting for a portfolio acquisition.

The new engagements expand the scope of services TCAM provides to a growing list of owners of affordable housing. “Our services continue to evolve to meet the needs of our clients,” said TCAM CEO Jenny Netzer. “Affordable housing development organizations are growing and dealing with an increasingly complex environment. TCAM is pleased to help them continue to grow and succeed.”

TCAM provides services to capital providers in the affordable housing industry including owners, investors, guarantors and state and local housing agencies for 914 properties comprising 118,000 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital. TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.

TCAM Adds Two Asset Management Engagements

BOSTON, MA – Today, TCAM announced two new asset management engagements with banks that invest in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Through the new engagements, TCAM is providing comprehensive asset management services, including financial and compliance oversight, tax return and audit collection and review, site visits and reporting. Together, the two portfolios include 47 properties in 8 states across the country.

The engagements add to TCAM’s growing business with LIHTC investors and syndicators. TCAM is currently providing on-going, long-term asset management and advisory services for banks, insurance companies, corporations and state agencies. TCAM also supports the asset management activities of several investors, syndicators, lenders and owners. “TCAM provides a flexible and cost-effective solution for investors and many other organizations,” said TCAM CEO Jenny Netzer. “We bring expertise and market insight to investors’ portfolios without adding overhead.”

TCAM provides services to clients for 869 properties comprising 112,150 apartment units in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, representing in excess of $3 billion of client capital. TCAM is owned by QuietStream Financial ( QuietStream Financial’s companies provide alternative asset management services and structured finance products for real estate borrowers, financial institutions and investors.